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Professional Tanning Experts and Accredited Sunbed Advisors

All management personnel at Tanning Shop complete a comprehensive training programme that covers the entire tanning process and safe sunbed use. This ranges from skin care knowledge to customer service. Tanning Shop provides on average 600,000 safe tans every year with client satisfaction and overall experience our number one priority. To become accredited professionals, our staff members must complete specific training modules which cover;

  • Customer service excellence
  • Equipment operation and maintenance
  • Indoor tanning lotion knowledge: Ingredients, benefits and selection
  • Identification of various skin types
  • Skin care principles and procedures
  • Tanning regulations
  • Benefits of tanning in a controlled environment

At Tanning Shop, we can design a tanning programme tailored to you and your preferences. Simply register now, tell us your tanning goal and we will help you achieve it.

Professional Tanning Experts and Accredited Sunbed Advisors - The Tanning Shop