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- 1. How Old Do You Have to Be to Tan?More
UK law states that persons under the age of 18 are prohibited from using UV tanning equipment or entering any rooms containing UV tanning equipment. However, persons under the age of 18 are able to use spray tanning services at The Tanning Shop (Under-16’s must be accompanied by a parent or guardian).
If you are lucky enough to look under 21, we will ask you for proof of age in store before we will allow you to use UV tanning equipment. Please don’t be offended if you are asked, this is for your safety. This would need to be photo ID in the form of a passport, driving license or PASS card and include a date of birth.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(57) / No(15)Viewed 14925 Times - 2. Why Use a Lotion?More
Moisture is key to tanning and a UV lotion is designed to replace moisture lost during the tanning session. However, this is not it’s only function. Many lotions contain Tyrosine, an ingredient that stimulates the tanning process.
Other lotions contain cosmetic bronzers, or DHA (the main ingredient of fake tan). The new generation of lotions contain ingredients that refine and enhance the skin as well as ingredients that push the tanning process beyond the natural tanning plateau.
Our Tanning Consultants are trained to identify the type of lotion to suit your tanning requirements and even your preferences of scent and texture!
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(33) / No(9)Viewed 28087 Times - 3. How do I prepare my skin for UV tanning?More
Dry skin reflects light and sheds more frequently. Any tan that develops is shallow and does not last. Moisturising is key to developing a deeper, darker tan. A week before your first session, thoroughly exfoliate and moisturise. Ensure that you moisturise after every bath or shower and use a UV specific lotion during your session.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(69) / No(10)Viewed 36823 Times - 4. How Much Time Between Sessions?More
The amount of time left between sessions varies depending on skin type and whether you are building or maintaining a tan. Our policy states that no more than one session can be used in any 24-hour period. The reason for this being that the tanning process takes 24 hours to complete and as such, this reduces the risk of over-exposure and maximises your tanning potential.
When building a tan, it is important to not leave more than 72 hours between sessions as after this time, the tan will begin to recede.
Our tanning consultants are trained to assist you in designing your personal tanning plan which is determined by your skin type, tanning history and tanning preferences.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(107) / No(25)Viewed 63970 Times - 5. What Ballasts Do You Use and Why?More
The type of ballast can vary. Ballasts are used to control the power sent to the UV lamps. Electronic ballasts use a series of induction coils whereas Magnetic ballasts use one.
Beds with a magnetic ballast may have a minimal flicker or hum whereas this is almost non-existent a bed with electronic ballasts. UV equipment is designed to contain the lamps, starters and ballasts behind a specifically designed acrylic composite that allows UV rays to work effectively. Modern ballasts work at a much higher frequency, allowing for more efficient use of power.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(12) / No(7)Viewed 4974 Times - 6. How Long are My Minutes Valid For?More
Standard package deals are valid for 12 months from the date of purchase. Monthly Memberships are valid for one month. Promotional package deals may vary and store staff can advise you upon purchase.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(54) / No(52)Viewed 18554 Times - 7. My child is under 18, can I bring them with me to the Tanning Shop?More
While we do allow children in our reception area, this is only if they are deemed able to care for themselves. Please note we do not accept any responsibility for any children left in the reception area. Under no circumstances can a child under the age of 18 accompany you into the individual tanning cubicles.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(26) / No(2)Viewed 13400 Times - 8. How many minutes should I have?More
Session length is determined by skin type and tanning history. The first session with us is usually the minimum session length suitable for your skin type which in turn enables our trained Tanning Consultants to help you design the tanning package to suit you.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(41) / No(179)Viewed 36081 Times - 9. How Do I Get a Refund?More
Refunds cannot be authorised in-store. Refunds are only available for medical reasons upon receipt of a valid Medical certificate. Requests can be made by e-mailing customer services via the "Contact Us" section.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(13) / No(64)Viewed 11595 Times - 10. CancerMore
Recent research has found that Vitamin D deficiency is a common factor in many types of cancer, even going so far as to state that the benefits far outweigh the risks (Maverakis/ Sukhov, 2016)
The Tanning Shop is dedicated to a responsible approach to tanning. This means a consultation for every new client and session lengths appropriate to skin type and tanning history.
Clients are not permitted to tan more than once in a 24-hour period in order to significantly reduce the risk of over-exposure. Our exclusions page lists specific criteria under which clients are not recommended to use UV equipment or to seek Medical advice prior to undertaking an indoor tanning programme.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(18) / No(72)Viewed 27321 Times - 11. Which bed should I use?More
The Tanning Shop trains our Tanning Consultants to assist clients to choose equipment to suit their individual preferences. Stand-Up tanning is fantastic for short, convenient tanning whereas lay-down tanning is great for relaxing. We even have sensor-controlled tanning with the revolutionary Sun Angel, designed to tailor sessions to suit your skin type.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(32) / No(49)Viewed 39512 Times - 12. What is 0.3?More
The 0.3 process is a slower, more gentle way to tan. The tanning result is deeper, darker and lasts. 0.3 compliant lamps emit a lower amount of UV per square metre than standard lamps (Erythmically weighted) and this dramatically reduces the risk of over-exposure.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(52) / No(11)Viewed 21381 Times - 13. Can I Tan While I am Pregnant?More
While there is no research to indicate UV light would have a negative effect on an unborn baby, our policy is to prohibit the use of UV tanning equipment.
We are always happy to place an active tanning package "on hold" for the duration of a pregnancy or transfer credit to a friend or family member. Packages are reactivated for the amount of time remaining on the package at the time of placing it "on hold".
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(20) / No(22)Viewed 13748 Times - 14. What is the difference between UV and Spray Tanning?More
UV tanning promotes the body to create a tan which fades slowly whereas spray tanning fades as skin cells slough off (usually between 5-7 days).
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(38) / No(11)Viewed 15419 Times - 15. Why Do I need to Give a Biometric Fingerprint?More
The Tanning Shop takes account security and responsible tanning practices very seriously. It is for this reason that we ask clients to use Biometrics to access their accounts. Most importantly, we do not store an image of your fingerprint.
The system works in much the same way as keyless car entry; specific points on your print create a digital key unique to our system and to you. This key cannot be deciphered in any form. We respect your right to opt-out of this security measure.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(20) / No(13)Viewed 19950 Times - 16. How Long Does It Take to Build Up a Tan?More
Building a tan is dependent on skin type and the condition of the skin. Dry skin reflects light and as the cells shed more frequently, any tan developed does not last. Fair skin tans more quickly whereas medium and dark skin types are more resistant to the tanning process, requiring more sessions. The time taken to build a tan varies depending on many factors, but on average, a base tan can be developed between 3 and 5 sessions.
You are able to maximise your tanning potential by ensuring that the skin is fully exfoliated and thoroughly moisturised. We stock a wide range of UV lotions that encourage the tanning process as well as replace moisture lost during your session. Our tanning consultants are trained to help you find a lotion to suit your preferences and tanning requirements.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(74) / No(21)Viewed 81091 Times - 17. How Does the Sun Angel Work?More
The Sun Angel works by scanning the most exposed area of your skin (the forehead) and the least exposed (back of arm or back of upper thigh). The resulting calculation calibrates the behaviour of the lamps to suit your skin type. You must ensure that the areas scanned do not have birth marks, freckling or cosmetics.
You need to enter the bed within three minutes of the scan and as such, it is advisable to apply your lotion first leaving the areas to be scanned clear. You can then apply lotion to just these areas after you have scanned your skin. Enter the bed, pull down the canopy, adjust the facial lamps and fans to suit your preferences and enjoy your session!
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(60) / No(43)Viewed 39404 Times - 18. Registering at The Tanning ShopMore
When coming into The Tanning Shop, you will be asked to register online or via our tablet registration form.
You will then be asked to register your fingerprint, this just means when buying packages your minutes are kept secure and then you can go ahead and tan.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(10) / No(4)Viewed 3288 Times - 19. Are Sunbeds Good for Vitamin D?More
Yes! There is a wealth of research citing responsible use of UV light as the best source of Vitamin D. All life on earth is in some way reliant on sunlight to thrive and humans are no different. Vitamin D is essential for development, maintenance and function of many systems in the human body as well as for the prevention of chronic illnesses and the promotion of health and well being.
Outdoor sunlight is in short supply in the northern hemisphere, we even joke about the lack of the British summertime! This in turn leads to an increased risk of Vitamin D deficiency. Using a responsible indoor tanning package is not only tailored to your skin type, it is an efficient use of time. A recent study stated that we would need to be in outdoor sunlight for 130 minutes in Autumn and Winter in order to produce this essential hormone!
Using a UV tanning bed regularly for a session length suited for your skin type is a great way to help promote and boost your Vitamin D levels.
More Information - https://thetanningshop.co.uk/vitamin-d/
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(26) / No(6)Viewed 18697 Times - 20. Why are There Different Settings on the KBL MegaSun 6900/7900?More
The different settings on the KBL Megasun 6900/7900 determine the amount of UVa/UVb emitted by the lamps. The settings are intended to provide specific tanning behaviour;
Basic: Equal UVa and UVb: Builds tolerance to UV light
Medit: Provides a higher proportion of UVa and enables faster tanning
Carib: Higher proportion of UVB – Provides a more intense, deeper tan
Clients are able to “graduate” through these different tanning settings as their tan and tolerance builds
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(129) / No(46)Viewed 50329 Times - 21. Can I Use My Minutes in Other Tanning Shops?More
Package Minutes can be used in any of our company owned stores on equipment of equal or lower value.
Each of our stores will have a link to their nearest store, on their web page, where your minutes can be used. You can find your stores web page using our Store Locator.
Packages purchased in a Franchise Store can only be used in that store.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(60) / No(220)Viewed 22390 Times - 22. Can UV Light Help My Skin Condition?More
We advise that clients consult with their GP before undertaking any UV tanning package to treat a specific condition. Whereas UV light is believed to kill the bacteria associated with Acne, new developments in treatment of this skin condition and many others underlines the necessity to consult with a health professional.
However, UV tanning equipment is absolutely fantastic for the production of Vitamin D. Experts believe that having a vitamin D deficiency might limit the body's ability to keep skin healthy and as such, conditions such as Acne, Psoriasis and Eczema may be indirectly helped by ensuring that Vitamin D levels are maintained. Talk with your health professional about the different options you have available.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(23) / No(6)Viewed 14320 Times - 23. What is the Difference Between Stand-Up and Lie-Down tanning?More
Individual preference! Beds are as varied as users and the main difference between stand-up and lay-down tanning is individual preference. Some clients like to pop in for a short session on a stand-up on their way to work whereas others like to enjoy a longer session on a lay-down to relax and unwind!
Modern beds are designed to tan all over through the careful design of the lamp array, client position and reflectors. Our tanning consultants are always happy to provide you with a tour of the equipment offered at your local store and our equipment list provides a convenient overview.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(41) / No(45)Viewed 45632 Times - 24. What to Wear, Bring, Tanning TimeMore
What you wear on the bed is personal preference, most customers like to tan naked to avoid any tan lines, whereas some customers may wear a bikini. It's totally up to you – no one can see in your room!
You don’t need to bring anything to the tanning session apart from yourself. Free eye protection is provided for you and wipes to freshen up after your sunbed.
A general guide we recommend for those who are new to sunbeds.
- Always start from the bare minimum number of minutes and slowly build your way up to the tan you want. (Especially those with fair skin)
- Whilst building a base tan you don’t want to leave any more than 3 days between, once you see changes you can leave a little longer between tans.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(53) / No(8)Viewed 4374 Times - 25. Why are some lotions and oils banned at the Tanning Shop?More
With over 30 years of experience in UV tanning we have knowledge of which lotions are harmful to our equipment, which are not relevant for use and which can affect all of our customers experience.
Therefore, to protect the integrity of our beds and to ensure we maintain our standards and our customer experience we have rules around which lotions can be used on our sunbeds. This is for the benefit of all our customers;
- Certain products are banned as they can damage bed acrylics
- For our customers safety lotions that are not made specifically for sunbeds cannot be used. They do not contain UV specific ingredients or the appropriate skincare needed to care for the skin whilst tanning
- Oils and Tingle creams are banned at The Tanning Shop
- Certain brands are banned at The Tanning Shop, 2btanned and Shine Brown
We sell a wide range of UV specific lotions to suit every skin type that can enhance your tanning results but up to 50%*.
*Source: Australian Gold
Was this answer helpful ? Yes(10) / No(2)Viewed 1648 Times
Other Resources
How Can Vitamin D Help with Psoriasis? David Railton, Medical News Today, Dec 2016 http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/314549.php
Using Vitamin D3 for Faster Eczema Healing. The Flawless Program http://www.flawlessprogram.com/vitamin-d3-deficiency-slowing-eczema-healing
Boosting Your Serotonin Activity! Alex Khorb PHd Psychology Today, Nov 2011 https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/prefrontal-nudity/201111/boosting-your-serotonin-activity
UV radiation: the risks and benefits of a healthy glow. Maverakis & Sukhov, The Conversation, Feb 2016 http://theconversation.com/uv-radiation-the-risks-and-benefits-of-a-healthy-glow-53604
Low Vitamin D Levels Linked to Advanced Cancers. Charlene Laino, WebMD http://www.webmd.com/cancer/news/20111004/low-vitamin-d-levels-linked-to-advanced-cancers#1