First Timer’s Guide to Safe Tanning At The Tanning Shop
Welcome to The Tanning Shop, we are so happy you have chose to visit our website to see what we have to offer you!
If you have any questions regarding equipment, lotions, minutes feel free to get in touch with us! We are happy to answer any questions you may have!
New to Tanning?
If you are new to tanning this may be a bit of a mind field for you don’t worry we are going to try and answer as many questions as we possible can on this page for you!
We will cover:
- Lotions – Why should I use one and what is available?
- Minutes – How many minutes should I do?
- Beds – What bed should I use?
- Prep – What do I need to bring?
sign up
Sign up online or in store to use The Tanning Shop.
When signing up make sure you add the correct details so you can log into your online account.
You can also opt into marketing preferences to be in with the first to find out about offers!
Book an appointment
Log in online to book an appointment!
Chose a store, bed and time!
Your appointments will show in the ‘My Account’ section under ‘Booked Appointments’
If you need to cancel your appointment please do so online or call the store.
Purchase minutes
You can purchase minutes in store or online.
If you are unsure how many minutes to purchase try a few sessions on pay as you go and then decide if you want to purchase one of our value packages!
Packages last 1 year and Monthly Unlimited Memberships last 31 days
When in store
Arrive into store for your appointment and speak to our friendly in store staff who will take your finger print for out system so we can locate your account easily.
Staff members can advise how many minutes you should do.
Staff members can also recommend lotions for you.
Let them know what you are looking for and they will be happy to help!
tan time!
Once you have purchased your minutes head to your room!
Apply your lotion.
Press start on the bed and you are ready to go!
Get on and relax!
Enjoy your mini holiday!
Why not bring a friend to your next session for £5 store credit on your account!

What bed should I used?
What bed you use can make a difference to your tan for example the Megasuns have 3 different setting to change the tan intensity and the sun angel is sensor controlled and uses your skin tone to adjust the UV output. All beds are different in little ways and it could make a difference to your tan!
A lot of people like a lay down bed because it feels more relaxing than a stand up, but it is personal preference! If you are brand new to tanning try both and decide what you prefer!
Beds depend on stores here and with each store you will find a price and bed list!
How long should I go on for?
Depending on the store you can go on for 4-14 minutes or 8-20 minutes.
We recommend if it is your first time start of low and build up your minutes.
Little and often is recommended until you reach your desired colour then you can leave a longer time frame between your sessions.
Whilst building your tan we do not recommend to leave more than 72 hours between each tanning session as the tanning process starts over. Minutes also depend on your skin type.
The best way to decide how many minutes to do would be to speak to our friendly in store staff who will help you out!
What do i need?
Yourself! that is it!
No preparation is needed for a sunbed just bring yourself!

Would you shower without body wash? A lot of people think using a lotion is just another selling technique but honestly you should always use a lotion! Your natural skin reflects UV and a lotion prevents this! If you are using a sunbed for any other reason than tanning for example your doctor has suggested it, using an intensifier will just make sure your skin stays moisturised and hydrated and you will get a healthy glow. If you don’t want to buy a bottle don’t feel the need to! Try some sachets first, find a lotion you like and then get yourself the bottle in most of our lotions there is 17 sachets in a bottle of lotion so if you tan regularly you will save yourself a lot of money by buying the bottle.
For your first lotion we recommend you look at the different lotions, see what they have to offer and you can ask our fully trained staff to help you find the perfect lotion for your skin type and tanning preferences, we even have specific lotions for your face and tattoo protection!
We have a wide range of lotions available in store for all your needs. Speak to our friendly in store staff to find the right lotion for you!
Want to see what we have available?
Click the link below