We are heading into the end of summer and the sun is starting to depart earlier and earlier each day! As the long summer days fade, the one thing we don’t want to fade away is our tan! So how do you maintain your glow year-round? Follow our 5 top tips below for maintaining your tan with the Tanning Shop

Our 5 Top Tips To Keep Your Summer Glow - The Tanning Shop
  1. Book regular UV tanning sessions at your local Tanning Shop salon

Did you know your skin rejuvenates every 3 days? In order to maintain your you should plan regular UV tanning sessions, ideally, within 72 hours of each other. Regular sessions allow you to keep building and maintaining your tan. Remember to always follow your personalised tanning plan to ensure you tan responsibly. Want to update your tanning plan? Speak to a member of staff in store!

  1. ALWAYS use a lotion during tanning sessions

It’s important to always use a lotion during your tanning session as dry skin reflects UV light, which prevents your skin from absorbing UV rays and may have an impact on your overall tanning result. Did you know using a lotion enhances UV tanning result by up to 60%! At the Tanning Shop we offer a huge range of lotions including accelerator lotions, intensifiers and lotions with added bronzer! Speak to one of our tanning consultants in store to find which lotion best suits your tanning journey!

  1. Keep your skin hydrated with tan extenders and moisturising lotions

Using a tanning extender lotion or moisturiser between UV tanning session can help prolong the life of your tan.  These lotions help restore moisture to your skin leaving your skin hydrated and glowing.

  1. Make sure your lotions include one of our recommended key ingredients

 Choosing the right lotion to use, during and between sessions is vital! The ingredients we recommend you look for when choosing a lotion are; Hemp, Aloe Vera, Shea Butter, Honey, Coconut Oil & Tea Tree Oil. All these ingredients will help hydrate and moisturise your skin.

  1. Avoid showering immediately after a UV tanning session

 You should always aim to leave around 2-3 hours after your tanning session before showering. Your tan can still develop post UV tanning session, especially if you have used a lotion. The ingredients will still be activated, even after your tanning session and will still be working to enhance your results.

With these 5 top tips in mind, lets book your next tanning session to extend your summer glow!
Choose from a selection of packages in store or online.

What are you waiting for?

Happy Tanning!